Specialized Therapeutic Services
Specialized Therapeutic Programs (STS) programs are an important component of every client’s recovery. Our STS staff facilitates a variety of skill based groups that are valued by the treatment team, patients and incorporated into every patient’s group schedule and treatment plan.
Laurel Ridge Treatment Center is an innovator in specialized therapies that engage our clients in their recovery process. STS interventions provide purposeful activities and socialization opportunities suited to a wide array of client interests and abilities. The main focus of these therapies is to promote heightened self-esteem, socialization, community reintegration and a higher overall quality of life.
Recreation and Leisure Therapy
Our recreational therapists lead a wide array of structured and leisure activities that contribute to self-esteem, social confidence and physical well-being. Group sessions in our gym and multi-purpose room include structured activities, initiatives and exercise based groups. In addition, therapeutic recreation provides clients with an opportunity to interact, take risks, develop self-esteem, establish life roles and learn new skills in a safe, structured, non-threatening environment.
Music therapy uses breathing, rhythm and movement exercises to encourage expression of emotions through activities such as drumming and guided imagery. Singing, playing instruments, songwriting and movement expression are vehicles for creative activity and socialization. Benefits include improved communication, self-expression, teamwork, listening skills, self-image, relaxation and centering abilities.
Many of our patients have artistic interests and talents. Art projects are guided by our staff to encourage creative expression, persistence and patience. In process art sessions, our patients are encouraged to express their inner feelings, thoughts, memories and beliefs through art.
Animal Assisted Therapy
Animal assisted therapy (AAT) uses trained animals to enhance an individual’s physical, emotional and social well-being, thus improving self-esteem, reducing anxiety and facilitating healing.
Aquatic Therapy
During the summer months, we have a great resource of a therapeutic pool in which to provide Aquatic Therapy for our patients. While at the pool the patients will engage in structured recreation activities and initiatives, while also having the opportunity for leisure interactions as well.
R.O.P.E.S. (Reality-Oriented Physical Experiential Situation Course)
The R.O.P.E.S. challenge course is a series of low and high elements that model life situations. Low elements consist of initiatives closer to the ground, helping with patient goal setting in the realms of trust, positive risk taking, self-awareness and self-efficacy. High elements such as zip-line, rock wall and leap of faith allow patients to face fears and communicate effectively to achieve personal treatment goals. Everything on the course is challenged by choice and will be assessed on a case by case basis, based on personal goals and physical abilities.
Contact our admissions line for a No Cost Assessment
For all other inquiries contact: 210-491-9400