Military Services at Laurel Ridge Treatment Center

The Military Program or Mission Resiliency at Laurel Ridge Treatment Center has been our most important endeavor and is proud to celebrate 30 years of service to the military, service members, veterans and their families and active-duty military families.

African American army man smiles as he speaks to a nurse

Military Services in San Antonio, Texas

Mission Resiliency Laurel Ridge Treatment Center logo

Our goal is not only to meet the standards set by TRICARE®, but to exceed expectations and raise the standard in care and recovery so that you leave empowered, strong and ready for the greatest mission of all: life.

Because of our great respect for you and your service, we continue this pursuit of creating, tailoring and maintaining a military-specific program that provides mental health treatment to active duty service members for:

  • Combat Trauma
  • Military Sexual Trauma
  • Substance Abuse
  • Dual Diagnosis

Our Program: Mission Resiliency

The foundation of our military inpatient mental health program, dual diagnosis treatment program, trauma programs and substance use program are structured using SAMHSA best practices, evidence-based curriculums, clinical outcome data, DoD psychiatric medication/diagnosis protocol and the Total Force Fitness Model. The fidelity of this program is continually audited internally and externally to ensure the effectiveness of the resiliency mission.

We believe family is a key to your recovery, so we have a focused family component as part of the treatment model. Several members of our treatment team have served in the military and understand the unique life of a service member.

Thank you for considering our Mission Resiliency Program in your path to recovery.

Point of Contact Sheet

The point of contact sheet needs to be filled out prior to an active duty referral.

What to Bring

Laurel Ridge has compiled a list of the items service members or veterans should bring with them for treatment. This military program packing list includes all of the items you should bring with you to our facility in San Antonio, Texas.

Military Specific Trauma Program

The mission at our military inpatient trauma treatment center is to consistently deliver excellent care, cutting-edge science and outcome-based treatment modalities for mental health problems and drug or alcohol addiction. Laurel Ridge, a PTSD treatment center for veterans, strives to exceed TRICARE standards and provide Readiness Oriented and Total Force Fitness Treatment approaches. Using proven therapies, our trauma program also provides significantly enhanced accountability for those struggling with issues related to trauma.

Laurel Ridge’s Mission Resiliency successfully treats service members struggling with issues related to both combat trauma and non-combat trauma using cognitive behavioral therapy, prolonged exposure and cognitive processing therapy. This includes our inpatient PTSD program for veterans, but we offer additional outpatient programs that veteran PTSD treatment may need.

Trauma therapies implemented in the Mission Resiliency Program equip service members with the necessary tools to properly process and organize trauma (combat and non-combat trauma) in such a way that future trauma and triggers are less likely to bring the service member to an “acute” state.

Trauma residential treatment at Mission Resiliency not only restores resiliency to the service member but also teaches lifelong skills which the service member can implement in various situations throughout their careers.

All aspects of the treatment program sustain the primary goal of the program: to reintegrate service members to their duty stations and family and provide a seamless continuum of care.

Our Clinical Outcome Data (paired sample T-Test) measures the service member’s symptom improvement as an individual. Service members that complete the Mission Resiliency Program are statistically likely to report positive symptom management. Additionally, they report lifestyle improvement and emotional wellness as they apply therapeutic strategies learned in treatment. The Mission Resiliency program goals are for service members to gain insight and develop coping skills for a healthy life. It is our commitment to keep service members at a state of readiness.

Military-Specific Substance Use Disorder (Addiction) Program

Our Military-Specific Inpatient Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Program helps provide stability and resiliency for those struggling with issues related to substance use by implementing proven therapies. Laurel Ridge’s Mission Resiliency successfully treats service members struggling with issues related to both combat and non-combat related substance use/abuse using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the GORSKI-CENAP® model.

Our military rehab program has the flexibility and focus to address each service member’s needs, no matter the stage of recovery they are in when they arrive. The use of motivational services based on the service member’s state of readiness will promote engagement, retention and long-term recovery outcomes.

Treatment Modalities:

  • GORSKI-CENAP® Model of Recovery
  • Denial management
  • Education disease process
  • Relapse prevention
  • Shame and survivor’s guilt support
  • CD Timeline
  • Alcoholics Anonymous®
  • Narcotics Anonymous®
  • Emotion regulation and distress tolerance

Military Specific Dual Diagnosis Program

Our state-of-the-art treatment is dedicated to treating co-occurring addiction and mental health conditions on an active duty exclusive unit. By preserving the integrity of our military milieu, we are able to focus on personal/professional circumstances unique to our service members. This therapeutic environment, with shared backgrounds and experiences, also provides significant enhanced accountability and peer-support.

Therapies implemented in the co-occurring military mental health and substance abuse program at Mission Resiliency equip service members with the necessary tools to properly maintain sobriety and live relapse-free in such a way that future trauma and triggers are less likely to bring the service member to an “acute” state. Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Rehabilitation at Mission Resiliency restores resiliency to the service member and has garnered advancement in recovery rates. This sets our program apart from other treatment options.

Military Sexual Trauma Program

To serve the growing needs of special populations, Mission Resiliency offers a specialized Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Program. As always, we are here to offer the best through our residential trauma treatment program, patient care and evidence-based treatment modalities to our patients.

The MST Program provides a supportive setting for processing difficult memories and experiences while reinforcing the use of adaptive coping skills such as grounding and deep breathing.

Patriot Support Programs

Patriot Support Program active duty logoLaurel Ridge Treatment Center is proud to be part of Patriot Support Programs, which provide unparalleled treatment to active-duty service members facing a variety of behavioral health challenges. Recognizing the unique stressors and experiences associated with military service, our facilities offer comprehensive and personalized care for issues such as PTSD, depression, substance use, and complex trauma. Our dedicated staff, psychiatrists and therapists work closely with referring agencies and to ensure seamless communication and customized goals for active-duty personnel in our tailored programs. For more information about Patriot Support Programs, please visit

Contact Us

Laurel Ridge Treatment Center provides inpatient and outpatient services designed to meet the needs of active duty military members and veterans. Our San Antonio, Texas, mental health and military treatment facility stands ready to get you the treatment you need. Reach out to us today to get started.

Contact our admissions line for a No Cost Assessment


For all other inquiries contact:  210-491-9400