Child and Adolescent Services at Laurel Ridge

It is our mission at Laurel Ridge Treatment Center to provide a therapeutic environment in which patients receive the most effective child or adolescent behavioral health treatment in relationship to a patient’s diagnosis, presenting problems and goals for treatment.

Group of happy teens sit on the edge of a concrete ledge holding each other shoulder to shoulder

Comprehensive Care For Your Child or Teen

The goal of our child and adolescent services is to create a unified continuum of care to improve children’s mental health. Our central goals are to work closely with community partners to address systemic challenges, provide support and share information. Our vision is to help Laurel Ridge become a national model for pediatric mental health.

Your Child or Teen’s Safety Matters to Us

The safety of your child is the number one priority during their stay at our facility and our goal at Laurel Ridge Treatment Center is to provide a safe and structured environment for your child or teen’s psychiatric treatment.

Family Visitation

Family involvement is an important aspect of the treatment process. Families are encouraged to visit, call, or Zoom throughout their child’s stay at our facility. Currently, in person visitation for children and adolescents is on Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00pm.

Treatment Team

The treatment team at Laurel Ridge Treatment Center consists of an interdisciplinary team which includes the doctor, nurse, therapist, mental health workers and care managers.

Therapeutic Programming

Overview of Services

  • Psychiatric management, including monitoring of medication by your child’s attending physician (this will occur daily).
  • Groups which include therapy groups, goals groups, life skills, and specialized therapeutic services groups.
  • Weekly Individual Therapy sessions with your child’s primary therapist.
  • Weekly Family Therapy session with you and your child’s primary therapist.
  • Team meetings to discuss your child’s treatment status. The treatment team will consist of your child’s psychiatrist (doctor), primary therapist, charge nurse, and care managers.
  • Additional therapeutic activities to include meditation, yoga and art therapy.


Goals Group

The purpose of this group is to allow the patient to set a measurable goal that they will work to accomplish that particular day. Patients will be encouraged to identify ways to meet goals, potential obstacles and ways to avoid or cope with obstacles.

Therapy groups

Group therapy gives the patient an opportunity to share and process issues related directly to their treatment goals. Group therapy will provide an opportunity to develop skills to effectively discuss thoughts and feelings, resolve emotional difficulties, learn new ways of interacting and communicating and develop new awareness of how patterns of behavior affect themselves and others.

Individualized Program

As part of an overall behavioral modification plan, some children may receive individualized plans known as STAR plans. STAR incorporates the elements of asking a child to Stop, Think, Act and Reward. These individual plans are developed in partnership with your child and their therapist and used on the unit to encourage desired behaviors through a reward system.

Life and Social Skills Group

The goal of Life Skills Group is to provide opportunities to further educate the patients on acquiring basic skills.

Wrap Up Group

Wrap up group occurs at the end of the day and is designed to review:

  • Achievement of daily goals
  • What obstacles were encountered
  • Ways patient avoided or coped effectively with obstacles
  • Review of future goals

Specialized Therapeutic Services (STS)

The purpose of STS is to assist patients in improving social, emotional, mental and physical abilities through therapeutic recreational activities. STS activities provide opportunities for fun, enjoyment, and self-expression in a structured program.

Art Therapy/Meditation Groups

Patients will engage in art therapy with a licensed art therapist with the intention of using creative art activities to aid in understanding emotions patients are currently experiencing.

Patients will practice meditation and yoga as a way to learn how to connect the mind and body and develop relaxation as a skill to deal with emotions and physical discomfort.

A Balanced Day Program (San Saba Unit)

A Balanced Day is a program which focuses on looking for the positive behaviors in each child who passes through our doors and rewarding children each time they are able to demonstrate healthy positive behaviors. This program is designed to meet the needs of your child in the San Saba unit where there is a focus on behavioral issues in addition to mental health.

Patriot Support Program

Patriot Support Program logoLaurel Ridge Treatment Center is pleased to offer its Patriot Support Program serving the Children and Adolescents of members of the U.S. military. The program offers specialized behavioral health and substance use treatment specifically designed for the needs and challenges of military dependents (children and adolescents ages 6 to 18). Using a trauma informed approach, the program focuses on the challenges faced by the children of military personnel, building upon the resiliency skills used to overcome challenges in their personal lives. For more information about Patriot Support Programs, please visit

Discharge Planning

Acute care is designed to stabilize your child, who has experienced a mental health crisis. As a part of treatment, the treatment team will develop a plan for continued care following discharge from the acute unit in order to address longer term issues your child is facing.

Contact Us

Laurel Ridge Treatment Center, located in San Antonio, Texas, is here to help with a variety of psychiatric disorders or mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and more — all while putting your loved one first.

Our child and adolescent mental health services are designed to target the acuity of each patient, providing acute mental health treatment that is targeted to their specific problems.

Mental health disorders in children and adolescents are on the rise — get your child the help they need, today. Reach out to us at our child and adolescent psychiatric residential treatment center so that a member on the admissions team can help.

Contact our admissions line for a No Cost Assessment


For all other inquiries contact:  210-491-9400